UNKL 347

UNKL347 name given at the end of 2006, as a sign of age who had stepped on a decade. "After ten years, friends call us uncle" was the tagline of this label. Whereas before, UNKL347 must evolve from a variety of names but the one thing that never left the number 347.
Starting from a love of surfing, skateboarding, and design a group of designers and artists, create a label clothing with names 347boardrider.co in 1996. The love is certainly a reflection in any design.
Just as a strong history of clothing because of the community, this group of people also sell their products based on catalog orders they make.
Until finally, in 1999, they could establish their own outlets. This period can be regarded as a pioneer existence clothing label, but not only in Bandung Indonesia. But in this year 347boarrider.co was changed only by the name 347.

Operations Manager Yogi said, in terms of design even further widened. Not only surf but influenced by music, nightlife, art, with avangarde nuances that make this label continues to move toward success.
As a collection of young children. 347 not only stuck around a business but a medium for young people to shed the idea of ​​Bandung in the form of Ripple Magazine. Where in it contained the things about young people in Bandung are not readable by other media.
There, they note other points of view about their world. In the same year they produce shoes with the label 'Indicator Shoes' whose designs inspired by skateboarding and rock music. Soon production was not only shoes, but penetrated the t'shirt and jackets. In 2001, 347 open Boyriders label specifically for women but only lasts one year.
According to Yogi, 347 began to expand outside Bandung around in the 2000s is to Jakarta. Currently, 347 products have spread to various corners of the country. Because recognized Yogi, local people were very responsive to the clothing of Bandung. Anam said young yogis were more consumptive Napier who buy goods in cothing.
2002 became the year's most important to the history in the year 347 because this label is growing rapidly. One of them thanks to their underground events title. In 2003, 347 turned into 347/Eat that uses the concept of propaganda in every design. Eat removed end of 2006 was replaced with UNKL347.